
What did Pati Chapoy say about Yuridia? Journalist issues apology amid rising backlash

Mexican journalist Pati Chapoy has issued an apology to singer Yuridia for calling her "fat" publicly.

According to Dallas News, on a recent episode of her television show Ventaneando, the 73-year-old publicly apologized to the 36-year-old singer for offending her with her remarks.

"A week ago I was out of Mexico, and I was very surprised that a comment I made many years ago (…) I want to make a sincere apology for the expression I issued, I never did it with the intention of offending her, not just for that comment from 20 years ago, but for all the comments we have made through 'Ventaneando'.”

As per Quien, Chapoy further continued her apology, stating:

“Ventaneando was born with a clear legend 'it is a program of journalistic criticism and investigation,' we are going to continue doing that criticism and that investigation; but from now on we will be more careful of that language.”

Pati Chapoy was called out by a national agency for her fatphobic comments on Yuridia

Pati Chapoy's apology came after Mexico's National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women (Conavim) slammed her in a statement released on February 11.

"We condemn the statements made at the time by a well-known host of shows against the singer Yuridia, when criticizing her physical appearance."

According to the Dallas News, Chapoy and her co-hosts criticized Yuridia's physical appearance on the gossip show Ventaneando several years ago.

The remarks came to light after YouTuber Escorpión Dorando released a new interview in which Pati Chapoy admitted to having referred to Yuridia as "fat" just to her co-journalists. As per the translated version of it, Chapoy said:

"Note that we are not friends, but I admire her a lot. The thing is that when she went to La Academia she was very overweight and so we always commented on the program that she was a tremendous singer, that no one like her, but that she was fat."

Later, Chapoy stated that the singer has refused to give Ventaneando interviews since then and to this day. After the broadcast of the Golden Scorpion, however, the other presenters of the gossip program reiterated their comments about Yuridia's body and minimized the issue, saying that "everyone is offended" by what they say.

As for Yuridia, the Mexican singer recently announced that she is expecting her second child and revealed that it will be a boy named Benicio (via Morning Express).

She has also expressed her views on Pati Chapoy's comments on her physical appearance. In one of her TikTok videos, as per Dallas News, she revealed that she does not prefer to give interviews to certain media outlets anymore, not because of her tantrums but because of their remarks on her body.

Adding to this, she stated that the remarks made about her appearance led to people verbally assaulting her and her family.

"I will never forget that because they were part of the darkest stage of my life."

As of writing, Yuridia has not responded to Chapoy's apology.

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-08-31