How much will QB earn in Baltimore?
Baltimore Ravens quarterback Josh Johnson will earn $1,317,500 in 2023. The veteran shot caller comes into the 2023 season as a third-string QB for the Ravens, as he is behind Pro Bowlers Lamar Jackson and Tyler Huntley on the Ravens depth chart.
Johnson will enter his 16th season as an NFL player and hope for more reps in 2023.
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Johnson has earned $9,378,140 throughout his 14-year NFL career. The San Diego University alum has played for an NFL record 14 franchises, which is almost half of the league. Here is a table culled from Spotrac breaking down his career earnings per number of seasons and team.
4 seasons | Tampa Bay Buccaneers | $1,390,500 |
6 seasons | San Francisco 49ers | $2,530,705 |
1 season | Cleveland Browns | $1,358,823 |
3 seasons | Cincinnati Bengals | $1,151,250 |
1 season | Buffalo Bills | $525,882 |
2 seasons | Indianapolis Colts | $87,646 |
2 seasons | New York Giants | $1,000,000 |
2 seasons | New England Patriots | $158,823 |
1 season | Washington Redskins | $148,235 |
1 season | Baltimore Ravens | $238,888 |
2 seasons | New York Jets | $417,166 |
2 seasons | Denver Broncos | $370,222 |
Josh Johnson's net worth
Johnson has an estimated net worth of $18 million. Johnson has accumulated this net worth from professional football salaries, sponsorships, and intelligent investment moves. The veteran QB is known as one of the smartest investors in the NFL, amassing more off the Gridiron than on it.
Johnson has made a fortune both on and off the field, and what's left for the veteran is winning a Super Bowl. He might achieve that in 2023, as Ravens' roster looks better than ever with their free-agent additions and draft picks.
Josh Johnson's football legacy
Johnson is best known for owning the NCAA record for the highest passer rating in history, with a 176.68 efficiency rating for his career at San Diego State. He parlayed that performance into a fifth-round Draft pick in the 2008 NFL Draft.
Johnson has been a part of 14 NFL teams, a league record. He was the 2020 XFL passer rating leader during his time away from the NFL and has a stellar reputation among league circles.
Johnson's football legacy will be seen as a dependable NFL backup quarterback. Despite his backup quarterback role, he has been able to step up when needed, and get the job done. He is also a good member to have around the locker room culture. Players like Josh Johnson are rare in today's sports world.
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