
Gemini 2017 Horoscope: Your Year Ahead

It's essential that you think strategically, which at the moment includes thinking methodically. Said simply, use strategy and consistent methods to change, and to create your life.

It's one thing to have a plan; it's another thing to have some sense of the steps you must take to enact that plan, with an ongoing review to make sure you're actually making progress. You have extraordinary manifesting power right now. You also have considerable room for error, so you want to document your progress and review it ongoing. If you do that for a while, your thought process will open up into an expanded creative space.

That is to say: the idea that comes to you might far exceed where your methodical process was heading. In musical terms, a melody is more beautiful than scales, but practicing scales gets you to the melody. You might doubt what you discover when you arrive, or question whether your inspiration is valid. Try to suspend judgment, or the need to explain away creativity. Rather, use your disciplined approach and make something beautiful.

This whole description might apply to negotiations with another person, or with a business. Your astrology for the coming 12 months is reminding you to persist, patiently and with goodwill. Trust that people want to do the right thing There will be a breakthrough point after Mercury forms a conjunction to Pluto on Jan. 29, which is when your new year really begins. Slow and steady till then. Check your work, then take the next step.

For more info, visit Planet Waves.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-07-26