
Call of Duty 2023's 'full premium release' to reportedly be another Modern Warfare expansion

Call of Duty 2023's supposedly 'full premium release' will be a continuation of the Modern Warfare 2 storyline. Bloomberg's latest report has revealed Activision's future plans regarding the live service situation of the CoD franchise.

Based on leaks, the next expansion of Modern Warfare 2 will be developed by Sledgehammer Games. While it was previously leaked that there will be an expansion of last year's title, Activision has now stated otherwise. According to their latest report, the upcoming game will be a full premium release like every other year. However, the gaming behemoth is yet to disclose what kind of content to expect in 2023.

A recent leak by Bloomberg's Jason Schreier has shed some light on what to expect from Call of Duty's 2023 release. To learn more about it, read below.

Call of Duty 2023 'Project Jupiter' is reportedly being developed by Sledgehammer games and will follow the Modern Warfare 2 storyline

After Activision's in-house breach, a large number of documents and images showcased Call of Duty's plans for the next two years. According to this leak, the 2023 release for Call of Duty is codenamed 'Project Jupiter.'

Upon learning of this codename, fans have been speculating that the new title might be an Advanced Warfare sequel or a game that's set in a futuristic timeline. However, the most recent leak has confirmed that it will be a standalone game that continues with the Modern Warfare 2 storyline.

Some maps and modes from the current iteration will likely get carried over to the next game. Although Modern Warfare 2's post-credit scene ended with a cliffhanger, fans won't have to wait long to see what's coming up next. However, the plans for the expansion haven't been finalized yet and can change anytime.

Furthermore, a recent report has revealed another interesting update about the franchise's vision for the series in the near future. As per leaks, Activision executives showcased their plans for what to expect after Microsoft's acquisition gets finalized. The gaming behemoth will reportedly switch between Modern Warfare and the Black Ops saga, with both games receiving two years of live service upon release.

While this information is yet to be confirmed by Activision, this plan will surely put an end to the possible sequels of the Advanced Warfare and World War 2 saga. Only time will tell how this plan will affect the Call of Duty community in the future.

In the briefing, there was no information regarding the future of Warzone 2. Hence, battle royale fans will have to wait longer to learn how the game will transgress in 2023.

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Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-08-08